Photo by Tom Bricker at Disney Tourist Blog
At Disney World there are often two queues for each cash register, two ways to go for each ride. It may feel safer to follow the herd (usually going to the right), but if you dare to break from the crowd, you'll be rewarded with a shorter wait time.
Similarly, in life, it may seem like the way everyone is doing things is the right way. Don't be afraid to take your own path. It's probably the better one for you.
2) Get Up Early
At Disney World, you'll miss out on hours of riding your favorite rides with short lines if you don't get there in time for park opening, or rope drop. How about your life? How many opportunities are missed by hesitating? When you know you want something, get up, go for it, and be first in line.
3) Take Small Children by the Hand
And as the jokes goes, they don't even have to be YOUR children. Just like taking your children's hands at Disney World keeps them close and safe, so you don't lose them, every day we need to remember the little ones in our lives who look up to us, who need to be kept close and safe. Think of all we can gain every day by pointing out the wonders of the world to little ones and experiencing them again through a child's eyes.
4) Stop and smell the roses
Discussing Disney World with many people over many years I always hear that people can have taken several trips to Disney World, even dozens, and have missed all of the small details. At Disney World, stop to pull Indy's Rope, take a stroll through the English garden at EPCOT, or just sit on a bench enjoying the sights, sounds, smells, and all of the joy around you. Just like a Disney vacation seems to go by in an exhausting whirlwind, how many of our weeks seem to go by as a blur? Spend some time each day appreciating the season, the color of the sky, the scent of clean laundry, your spouse's smile, or the precise age your child is. He'll never be this age again, and neither will you. Enjoy it!
5) You can't do it all
I've been to Disney World many, many times and I have seen many things, but I have not seen every attraction, beaten every mini golf hole, nor eaten at every restaurant, nor will I, and that's ok.
Your vacation is most enjoyable when it's not a long checklist, and so is life. Both are best enjoyed when you appreciate the moment you're in. Maybe I'll never ride Astro Orbiter, or be an Astronaut, but I'm very happy enjoying the rollercoaster I'm on and the company along for the ride.
Live in the moment
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